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Rainbow Fluorite
Crystal Info
  • Enhances concentration and mental clarity, and helps one ground their thoughts.
  • Ideal stone for overcoming procrastination and disorganization, giving one the motivation to complete tasks to the end.
  • Increases self-discipline and willpower, and encourages one incorporate structure and routine into their daily life.
  • Helps one quickly absorb new information and improves memory retention.
Chakras: All
Element: Wind
Zodiacs: Capricorn, Libra, Pisces
Rainbow Obsidian
Crystal Info
  • A stone of transformation that helps one gently release suppressed emotions.
  • Takes one on a journey into the depths of the subconscious mind, helping one resolve past issues and heal old emotional wounds.
  • Absorbs negative energy from the aura, making it important that this stone is regularly cleansed.
  • Recommended to be worn by anyone experiencing a broken heart.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Libra
Rainbow Rhyolite
Crystal Info
  • An ancient stone that carries a strong vibration promoting self-transformation.
  • Encourages one to take time for themselves to actively pursue their goals and dreams.
  • Imparts a sense of acceptance of one's true self and eliminates feelings of self-doubt.
  • Allows one to deepen their connection with Mother Earth and nature spirits.
  • Recommended to meditate with this stone in nature to experience its full healing effects.
Chakras: All
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Rainbow Tourmaline
Crystal Info
  • A unique stone formed from multiple colored varieties of Tourmaline.
  • Enhances confidence and promotes joy, harmony, and unconditional love towards oneself and others.
  • Eliminates negative thoughts, habits, and behaviors, encouraging one to make positive changes in all areas of their life.
  • Cleanses and protects one's auric field, and balances the entire meridian system.
Chakras: All
Element: Water
Zodiacs: Gemini, Virgo
Red Agate
Crystal Info
  • Lights a fire within and motivates one to passionately pursue all their desires.
  • A wonderful support stone for artists, writers, and musicians as it boosts creativity, inspiration, and imagination.
  • Encourages one to reflection all aspects of their life and make wiser choices, particularly in relation to their finances.
  • Has been used for centuries to protect one from negative influences and psychic attacks.
  • Chakras: Hear, Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Capricorn
Red Aventurine
Crystal Info
  • An energizing stone that is effective for combating fatigue, mental fog, and lethargy.
  • Encourages one to take decisive action to achieve their goals and remain committed, despite any setbacks or challenges.
  • Believed to be effective in reducing back pain, treating autoimmune disorders, and stimulating the production of red blood cells.
  • Inspires creativity and promotes a fearless and optimistic mindset.
Chakras: Sacral, Root
Element: Earth, Fire
Zodiac: Virgo
Red Calcite
Crystal Info
  • An energizing and detoxifying stone that helps rejuvenate the physical body.
  • Reduces stress and soothes imbalances which bring on fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Assists in balancing hormones and enhancing the absorption of vitamins.
  • A wonderful support stone for women who are preparing for pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Removes stagnant energy from one's auric field and dissolves emotional blockages.
Chakras: Root crown, Heart
Element: Fire, Earth
Zodiac: Cancer
Red Jasper
Crystal Info
  • An ancient and sacred stone that imparts courage, strength, and resilience during times of physical and emotional stress.
  • Promotes a sense of justice and gives one the courage to stand up for what is right.
  • Increases libido, promotes fertility, and provides support to those who are recovering from an illness or injury.
  • Enhances memory retention, especially when it comes to recalling dreams.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Libra, Scorpio
Red Tiger's Eye
Crystal Info
  • A highly stimulating stone that imparts motivation, self-confidence, and ambition.
  • Physically, it is believed to alleviate pain, treat blood disorders such as anemia, speed up the metabolism, and boost sex drive.
  • It is recommended that one carries this stone in their pocket to add creativity, vitality, and passion to projects they are working on.
  • Can help one get through difficult periods in life without losing courage and hope.
Chakras: All
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Capricorn


Crystal Info
  • A stone of love, compassion, forgiveness, and self-acceptance.
  • Gently brings repressed feelings to the surface so that one can heal their emotional wounds and move forward.
  • A great support stone for those who are experiencing a relationship breakdown or grieving the loss of a loved one.
  • Calms and rebalances the nervous system and promotes feelings of deep relaxation.
Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus
Elements: Fire, Water
Zodiacs: Leo, Scorpio
Crystal Info
  • A stone of gratitude, love, and compassion.
  • Promotes acceptance and forgiveness for oneself and others.
  • Dissolves any feelings of fear, resentment, and self-doubt.
  • Encourages one to engage in behaviors that help others in need.
  • Assists one in discovering their true passion and learning new skills.
  • Effective stone for anyone experiencing depression due to its soft, nurturing energy.
Chakras: Heart, Root
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiacs: Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus
Ruby Zoisite
Crystal Info
  • A stone of happiness, abundance, vitality, and personal growth.
  • Inspires one to live with greater joy, compassion, and gratitude.
  • Helps one let go of any fear, doubt, and anxiety about the future.
  • Effective stone for anyone who is grieving the death of a loved one or fearing for their own death by helping one stay calm, hopeful, and peaceful.
  • Soothes feelings of grief, anger, and despair.
Chakras: Root, Heart, Third Eye
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Aquarius, Aries
Rose Quartz
Crystal Info
  • A stone of unconditional love that carries a soft, feminine energy.
  • Cleanses the heart chakra, allowing vibrations of love to flow freely without fear.
  • Promotes healthy and harmonious relationships of all kinds.
  • Effective empathy, patience, compassion, and sensitivity towards others.
  • Helpful to aid the acceptance of necessary change.
Chakra: Heart
Element: Water
Zodiacs: Taurus, Libra, Scorpio
Crystal Info
  • Enhances the dream state and stimulates intense lucid dreaming.
  • Ideal for use in healing sessions or meditation due to its ability to induce a state of deep relaxation and peace.
  • recommended for introverts and empaths, as it can help them recharge after spending time in high-energy environments.
  • Effective stone for anyone who is prone to panic attacks in large crowds.
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Element: Wind
Zodiac: Capricorn

Sea Sediment Jasper

Crystal Info
  • A stone of emotional support and stability that has a soft, nurturing energy.
  • Believed to stimulate lucid dreaming and aid one's ability to interpret the symbolic messages of their dreams.
  • The purple variety of Sea Sediment Jasper helps one connect to the higher realms and accelerates one's spiritual growth.
  • Eliminates fatigue and exhaustion, giving one a sense of renewed vitality.
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Elements: Earth, Water
Zodiacs: All
Crystal Info
  • Purifies and clear cleanses the aura, and protects one from negative influences.
  • Instills a sense of deep peace, making it effective for use in meditation.
  • Enhances thought clarity, clears mental confusion, and assists spiritual insight.
  • Can be used to form a protective grid around a home or sacred space.
  • Place in a workplace to ensure a harmonious, calm, and peaceful atmosphere.
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown
Element: Wind
Zodiacs: Cancer, Gemini
Septarian Nodule
Crystal Info
  • A unique stone composed of Aragonite, Calcite, and Limestone.
  • One may experience an inner awakening when working with this stone, driving a sudden change in forming new habits.
  • Improves the balance of the mind, body, and spirit, ensuring peace and harmony in all aspects one's being.
  • Enhance and nurtures communication on all levels, particularly in large group setting.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Taurus
Crystal Info
  • One of the best stones for stimulating kundalini energies.
  • Place this stone on the meridian points to dear blockages and allow a healthy flow of energy to radiate through the body.
  • Has the ability to deepen one's connection with nature and help them better understand their place in the universe.
  • Powerful healing stone that promotes deep personal transformation.
Chakras: All
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: All
Shell Jasper
Crystal Info
Crystal Info
  • Removes toxin from the body.
  • Supports the immune and lymphatic systems.
  • Enhances mental clarity and purifies one's emotions, thoughts, and intentions.
  • A very protective stone that counteracts the harmful effects of EMFs and radiation from electronic devices.
  • Cleanses and reinvigorates each chakra.
  • Can clear the energy of an entire room and protects one negative influences.
  • Believed to reduce inflammation and pain.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio

Shiva Shell
Crystal Info
  • Shiva shells have a very uplifting energy that can awaken a sense of adventure.
  • Enhances intuition and promotes wisdom, helping one to better understand themselves and their place in the world.
  • Have long been recognized as divination and transformation tool which can assist one in finding a new path towards success in life.
  • Placed under the pillow, they can facilitate lucid dreaming and aid dream recall.
Chakra: Third Eye
Element: Water
Zodiac: Aries
Silver Obsidian
Crystal Info
  • A very protective stone that carries a higher vibration than regular Obsidian.
  • Promotes transformation and deep self-reflection that motivates one to take action to change the direction of their life.
  • Reminds one that they are the master of their own destiny, and encourages one to make use of the gifts they have been given.
  • Effective for anyone who feels lost or dissatisfied with their life.
Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Silver Smoky Quartz
Crystal Info
  • One of the most powerful grounding stones due to its deep connection to Mother Earth.
  • Encourages one to focus on solutions to problems, rather than dwell on their current emotional state.
  • Clears away negative thoughts and feelings, making it an effective stone for anyone suffering with depression or anxiety.
  • Relieves chronic pain, migraines, and tension of the shoulders and back.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Snowflake Obsidian
Crystal Info
  • Can help one find light in the darkness and tune into their spiritual guidance.
  • Purifies and strengthens the mind, allowing one to overcome negative thought patterns, and destructive habits and behaviors.
  • Beneficial to help with past-life recall and recovering deeply held subconscious memories from the present life.
  • Helps one think before they act and refrain from making impulsive decisions.
Chakras: Root, Third Eye
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo
Crystal Info
Promotes emotional balance, eases anxiety, and calms panic attacks.
Enhances creativity and imagination, and restores one's confidence in their unique talents and abilities.
Place in a group setting, such as an office, to promote harmony, cooperation, and teamwork.
Improves one's self-esteem and acceptance of themselves.
Chakra: Third Eye
Element: Wind
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Crystal Info
  • A stone of personal power and energy that deeply stimulates the lower chakras.
  • Promotes self-confidence, stabilizes mood swings, and encourages one to form positive habits and routines.
  • Eliminates fatigue, strengthens the immune system, and is helpful for those who are recovering from an illness or injury.
  • Known as a stone of discernment as it guides one in making the right decisions in life.
Chakras: Rood, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiac: Gemini
Spirit Quartz
Crystal Info
  • Holds a great deal of spiritual energy and creates a sense of magic in one's life.
  • Effective stone to help one better connect to the fairy realm and nature spirits.
  • Forms a protective shield around one's aura, particularly when performing spiritual work.
  • Recommended to be worn by empaths as it softens the impact of psychic stimuli.
  • Beneficial for fostering unity and harmony in a household or workplace.
Chakras: All
Elements: Earth, Storm
Zodiacs: Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces
Crystal Info
Strawberry Quartz
Crystal Info
  • Has a playful and joyful energy that allows one to reconnect with inner child.
  • Stimulates creativity and imagination, helping artists, writers, and musicians keep their work fresh and interesting.
  • Helps one move one from any past trauma or negative experiences and feel the beauty of the present moment.
  • Place in the home to encourage positive bonds to form between loved ones.
Chakras: All
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Libra

Crystal Info
  • Recommended to be worn by empaths and those who feel alienated and alone.
  • Effective stone for those who have autism, paranoia, or schizophrenia.
  • Eases insomnia, and encourages positive thoughts and self-acceptance.
  • Highly protective stone that shields one from psychic and spiritual attacks.
  • Reorganizes brain patterns that underlie learning difficulties, such as dyslexia and ADHD.
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Etheric
Element: Wind
Zodiac: Virgo
Crystal Info
  • Facilities feelings of confidence empowerment, and independence.
  • Has a bright, positive energy that aligns the mind, body, and spirit with its highest vibrations.
  • Brings passion, enthusiasm, and creativity back into one's life when they have lost touch with those feelings.
  • Helpful stone for those who have difficulty setting boundaries with others.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Zodiacs: Leo, Libra
Super 7
Crystal Info
  • A rare mineral with seven crystals in one: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Rutile, Lepidocrocite, Smoky Quartz, and Quartz.
  • Due to its high frequency, Super Seven is a stone that does not require cleansing.
  • Meditating with this purpose and attune their energy to celestial beings.
  • Assists the cleansing of other crystals and the environment they are placed in.
Chakras: All
Element: Earth, Storm
Zodiacs: All
Crystal Info
  • Vibrates on a very high frequency and can be instantly felt by those who are sensitive to the energies of crystals.
  • Facilitates astral travel, enhances intuitive gifts, and accelerates psychic development.
  • Clears blockages in the lower chakras, allowing energy to flow freely throughout the subtle bodies.
  • Meditating with Tektite is said to elevate one to a higher state of consciousness.
Chakras: All
Element: Storm
Zodiacs: All
Crystal Info
  • A man-made stone that emits far-infrared and negative ion energy.
  • The far-infrared energy helps promote metabolism, improve blood circulation and ease muscle pain and inflammation.
  • The negative ion energy protects the body from harmful radiation and pollutants.
  • As Terahertz revitalizes energy flow and enhances circulation in the skin, it is said to slow down the aging process.
Chakra: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: All
Tiger Iron
Crystal Info
  • A rare and powerful stone that can only be found in Western Australia.
  • Tiger Iron is unique combination of Hematite, Red Jasper, and Tiger Eye.
  • The Hematite within this stone helps one keep their thoughts and ideas grounded.
  • Red Jasper's energies help one increase their focus, determination, endurance.
  • Tiger Iron can eliminate procrastination, resulting in one's projects coming to fruition.
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiac: Leo
Tiger's Eye
Crystal Info
  • Carries the energies of a combination of Sun and Earth element.
  • Enhances focus and willpower, giving one the courage to step out of their comfort zone and take action to achieve their goals.
  • Amplifies the energies of other crystals as well as one's intentions, making it a powerful manifestation tool.
  • Helps one feel self-empowered and reduces the need for approval from others.
  • Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus
Elements: Earth, Fire
Zodiacs: Capricorn, Leo

Tourmaline Quartz

Crystal Info
  • Combines the powerful properties of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline.
  • Tourmaline protects one from all kinds of negativity, while Quartz purifies and amplifies the energy of Tourmaline.
  • Helpful for those who need help remaining on their spiritual path, especially if they have deviated to engage in harmful behaviors.
  • Cleanses the aura, restores balance to all the chakras, and clears any stagnant energy.
Chakras: All
Element: Storm
Zodiac: Capricorn
Tree AgateWood
Crystal Info
  • A stone of Tranquility and inner peace that instills a deep appreciation for nature.
  • Helps one connect their conscious self with the angelic realms, and can also be used to attract nature spirits to serve as guides.
  • Promotes qualities of strength and courage, making it a beneficial stone for anyone who is ready to stand up for themselves.
  • Promotes mental, Physical, and spiritual growth and development.
Chakras: Root, Heart, Crown
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo

Crystal Info
  • Effective crystal for those suffering with depression, panic attacks, or social anxiety.
  • Dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.
  • Recommended to be worn by those who fear public speaking as it promotes clear and calm communication.
  • Encourages one to speak from a place of truth, peace, and love.
Chakra: Throat
Element: Storm
Zodiacs: Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Turquoise & Chrysocolla
Crystal Info
  • Effective crystal for those suffering with depression, panic attacks, or social anxiety.
  • Dispels negative energy and can be worn to protect against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.
  • Recommended to be worn by those who fear public speaking as it promotes clear and calm communication.
  • Encourages one to speak from a place of truth, peace, and love.
Chakra: Throat
Element: Storm
Zodiacs: Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Crystal Info
  • Promotes feelings of gratitude, helping one see the beauty in life.
  • Works to remove obstacles to one's personal growth, especially releasing any emotional pain, resentment, and anger.
  • Clears blockages within the heart chakra, soothes feelings of sadness, and calms the nervous system.
  • Helps one develop greater acceptance and love towards themselves and others.
Chakra: Heart
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Scorpio
White Agate
Crystal Info
  • A wonderful stone to work with during pregnancy as it soothes labor pain, eases morning sickness, and helps combat fatigue.
  • Associated with inner peace and allows one to get in touch with their emotions.
  • Deeply stimulates the crown chakra, enhances intuition, and strengthens one's spiritual connection to the universe.
  • Heals emotional trauma, and promotes qualities of forgiveness and acceptance.
Chakra: Crown
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Gemini, Virgo
White Calcite
Crystal Info
White Jade
Crystal Info
  • A stone of peace, calmness, and clarity that gently raises one's consciousness and cleanses the aura of negative energy.
  • Reduces any feelings of overwhelm when awakening to the spirit world.
  • Enhances decisiveness and eliminates distractions, making it a beneficial stone for those who have trouble making decisions.
  • Its soothing vibration helps one experience a deep and peaceful sleep.
Chakra: Crown
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Taurus
White Sage
Crystal Info
  • Has long been considered a sacred, purifying, and protective plant, and is often burned in a ritual known as smudging.
  • Smudging is cleansing ceremony used to rid a person, space, or object of negativity.
  • Through the smudging process, one can neutralize their aura or the energy of ether spaces to cleanse and renew.
  • Shown to enhance mental clarity, improve air quality, and decrease stress levels.
Chakras: All
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: All
Crystal Info
  • A powerful grounding stone due to its deep connection to Mother Earth.
  • Stimulates creativity, and is beneficial stone for those who have many ideas but find it difficult to turn them into a reality.
  • Helps one feel inspired, motivated, and energized so that pessimism and procrastination can be overcome.
  • A stone of originality that encourages one to express themselves without fear.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Yellow Calcite
Crystal Info
  • Deeply stimulates the solar plexus chakra, enhancing willpower and decisiveness.
  • Brings about a combination of focused energy and grounding necessary to successfully complete complex projects.
  • Effective for situations requiring persistence over the long term, helping one quickly overcome feelings of fatigue.
  • Alleviates depression and promotes an optimistic outlook on life.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Element: Fire
Zodiacs: Pisces, Sagittarius
Yellow Jade
Crystal Info
  • Associated with the Sun and symbolizes wisdom and optimism.
  • Brings energies of self-confidence, motivation, and enthusiasm.
  • Inspires one to set goals and constantly work to achieve them.
  • Attracts good luck and prosperity in life, and helps one achieve their financial goals.
  • Promotes emotional stability, and brings balance and harmony to all relationships.
  • Boosts metabolism and eliminates fatigue.
Charka: Solar Plexus
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Taurus
Yellow Jasper
Crystal Info
  • An energizing and uplifting stone that promotes enthusiasm and joy.
  • Recommended for anyone who needs a positive boost of energy.
  • Eases stomach pain, digestion issues, and nausea.
  • Promotes self-discipline and perseverance, and encourages one to complete tasks they have been delaying.
  • Helps one build positive friendships with like-minded individuals.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Leo
Zebra Jasper
Crystal Info
  • A gentle stone that brings emotional balance, stability, and contentment.
  • Its black and white stripes unite Yin and Yang, deeply connecting one to Mother Earth.
  • Its calming and soothing vibration helps to alleviate tension, anxiety, and stress, allowing one to remain in the present moment.
  • A beneficial stone for those who overthink situations and doubt themselves.
Charka: Root
Element: Earth
Zodiacs: Taurus, Gemini
Crystal Info
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